'Boomer Necklift' offers quicker recovery time

NORTHFIELD, N.J. - November 20, 2012

She says she just loves the energy of the beauty business.

"I work with a lot of young girls," she told me.

While wrinkle fillers brought her face to the age she feels, Ida still thought her neck looked years older.

"The skin tone, the softness isn't there," she said.

Dr. Kirk Brandow says he's been hearing that from a lot of patients lately.

"They all say the same thing: 'Look at my neck!'" he told me.

Thinner skin makes the neck more vulnerable to scarring from aggressive facial procedures. In the past, necklifts were often done as part of a full facelift.

For patients who want the same results without all that surgery, Dr. Brandow developed a minimally-invasive alternative he calls the Boomer Lift.

"What I'm going to do is make a little incision under her chin," he explained.

Dr. Brandow closes a gap in the muscles directly under the chin, and through a SMALL incision behind the ear, he tightens the muscles along the jaw line.

"I think I can give her a 50-year-old looking neck," he said.

Because the procedure involves a variety of elements, it takes more time: about 2 and a half hours.

But the recovery time is shorter, about 5 to 7 days. Ten days after her operation, Ida was surprised at how little bruising and swelling she had.

Before and after photos show the results of the Boomer Lift.

"I love the results," said Ida. "I fit in with the girls at work right now."

Ida says her clients thought she'd just come back from a super-relaxing vacation.

"One of them said, 'Wow, that week off did you wonders!'"

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