Mrs. Fixit: Presealing Natural Stone

December 9, 2012

Sealing tile is simple you can use a sponge, a brush, a cloth or paint pad.

I like a sponge brush because it gives you an even application without a lot of excess liquid dripping all over.

Paint the sealer onto the tile in long, even strokes. Make sure you cover all of the tile, but don't get too much overlap.

Wipe off any drips or pooling with a cotton rag.

Let the sealer dry completely generally for twenty four hours.

Then test the sealer by dripping some water onto the surface, if it pools up you're all set.

If the water soaks in at all you will want to let it dry and apply a second coat.

Once the presealer is set, you can grout the tile without worrying about staining it! i'm Mrs. Fixit and it's just that simple!

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