Save while shopping with Hukkster

Dec. 24, 2012

And now they've turned their knowledge of how people shop into a new venture called "Hukkster" that could help you save money on items you want.

Finnegan explains, "So it's this little button that sits in your browser that allows you to shop online how you normally do."

Bell adds, "Items you're interested in, you actually, as you're viewing the product, you click the 'Hukk-it' button... and we track that product for you."

Once you've "hukk'ed" an item, the site will track it and alert you when it goes on sale, or has a coupon code you can use to cut its cost.

If an item is available at multiple stores, you will have to "hukk" at each online store individually.

Finnegan says, "It's really trying to streamline the online shopping experience. So, taking all those emails you get every day that are telling you about limited-time offers and filtering them for you


Hukkster works with about 1000 online retailers now and the founders say their average shopper saves about 30% per purchase by waiting to buy until Hukkster notifies them of a deal.

"It's when you have a longer lead-time to plan for something, and you don't need something for Friday night's party and it's Friday night already, that's where we see a lot of people reaping benefits," Finnegan says.

So far, Hukkster is only available for computers, but the founds hope to have a iOS version available within the next couple of months.

To install Hukkster on your toolbar, click here.

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