Maggie Virsman of Chalfont saw the plane go down.
"It was a ball of flames and a bunch of black smoke," she said.
It was just before noon Saturday when the small plane, which had just taken off from nearby Doylestown Airport, crashed into a power line and fell in pieces onto the busy intersection at Route 313 and the Route 611 Bypass.
Virsman and her grandmother were buying a car at Thompson Toyota when everyone inside sprung into action to help.
"There was a woman down below screaming. It was hopeless until someone came to rescue," Virsman explained.
Crews responded quickly and shut down the roadway. Part of the plane was in the bushes, charred parts were everywhere, and witnesses say the pilot was seriously burned.
Fellow pilots at Doylestown Airport have identified the pilot but were not releasing his name. They say today was an open air day where pilots display their planes. This plane was unique.
The FAA describes the plane as a Wilson CRI-CRI, a single engine fixed wing aircraft. At Doylestown Airport flyers describe it as a homemade experimental aircraft.
It took off from Runway 23, but it only made it barely a mile.
According to Temple University Hospital the victim remains in critical condition.