I'm Stuck app aims to fight traffic problems

August 1, 2013

A brand new free app called "I'm Stuck" (I'm Stuck for iOS | I'm Stuck for Android) for helps frustrated commuters sound off...and get some action, stat.

"We are giving you the opportunity - not just to vent - but to vent and get some things done," says former Pa. governor, Philadelphia mayor Ed Rendell, a driving force behind the app.

The next time you're in bumper-to-bumper traffic on Broad Street or stuck on the Schuylkill Expressway or trapped on a broken down train or bus, you can take your traffic tiffs straight to the top, in real time, with a new app appropriately called "I'm Stuck."

You don't even have to know the name of your representative, or waste a stamp sending them a letter.

Former governor Ed Rendell co-chairs Building America's Future. They launched the free app this week. It puts you in the driver's seat, making commuters the eyes and ears, and the sounding board in order to let your elected officials know where you think transportation upgrades are sorely needed.

"They know the problem, they have just got to get the courage to invest money in our infrastructure," Rendell says. "So we hope this will be like a permission slip."

You simply tap the app, report your issue, and you can even take a picture and send it in as proof. You can choose to either send it in a form letter or write one of your own.

"I think it's a great move, I would definitely use it," says Vince Nanni, a driver for UPS.

"We need help. We need all the help we can get," added Rodney Ramseur from Upper Darby. "That app sounds like a good idea, I would use it."

Leona Bibbs says she's happy to take a few minutes to sound off, if it means saving time and money: "I mean if it's easier on people getting to and from work and needing expansion I think that would be great and make a difference."

There is a safety warning that pops up for drivers when they launch the "I'm Stuck" app so that you don't report a problem while you are behind the wheel.

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