Parents are the usual first resource, and your child's teacher is probably a close second. But here in Philadelphia, there's a virtual army of experts ready to do more and at no cost to you.
The city's 53 libraries are committed to after-school activities that can help with almost any homework concern.
First, there's walk-in help after school.
It's likely your child could stop at a library between school and home and meet a professional ready to assist with questions.
Librarians can point out resources right on their shelves. After dinner, there's more.
The Free Library's offers nightly help for every subject in every grade taught in the city system.
You'll find a link in the orange "Ask" box. You'll be asked to sign in with your library card.
You can apply for one online if you don't have one. Anyone who lives, works or attends school in Philadelphia is eligible. But the website does far more than offer help with nightly homework.
There's a section offering practice versions of standardized tests like the ACT and the SAT.
Before paying for tutoring at one of those walk-in prep centers, try these practice exams which show just what the tests are like. They self-score as soon as you're finished.
There are also versions of tests you need to take when seeking admission to various graduate programs.
The Free Library also has partnerships with Philadelphia institutions like the Franklin Institute, enriching education in critical areas like science. Again, access is free if you have a library card.
This year's homework help program is vastly updated from even a year ago.
You'll find new emphasis in literacy, and in the "STEM", technology, engineering and math...that schools are featuring this year.