The attacks happened in quick succession in South Philadelphia on October 10th.
The first was around 5:45 p.m. on the 1300 block of East Moyamensing Avenue.
Authorities say the suspect stole a 16-year-old girl's iPhone and shoved her to the ground.
At about 7:10 p.m. a 24-year-old woman was robbed on the 1000 block of Fitzwater Street.
She lost a book bag which contained her wallet and keys, and the girls also took her iPhone.
About 20 minutes later, the group of girls approached a woman who wants to be known only as 'Susan' at 7th and Christian streets.
She says she was surrounded, but was able to hang on to her bag and phone.
"So, they hit me in the head, hit me in the glasses and my glasses fell on the ground. At that point, people started hearing and see what was going on and the girls ran away," said Susan.
Susan says three girls attacked her while a fourth stood watch across the street.
Police say they're looking for five African American girls between the ages of 15 and 18. One of them had a nose ring and the suspects range in height from 5'2" to 5'7."
Susan says she met the other victims at the police station, all of them badly shaken.
"I walked in, got interviewed and there were at least two other girls that had the same exact story," she said.
Beyond the terror she felt at the time, Susan says it's been a disheartening experience.
"It's just sad where people's priorities lay now. What I'm hoping is to get the story out so that people know that this is going on," said Susan.
At this point, detectives need help to identify the girls involved. Anyone with information is urged to call Philadelphia Police at 215-686-3013.