"Korey was a good kid, he was very goofy and he loved life," said Tania Williams.
Tania Williams says the last known whereabouts she has of her son, Korey, was that he was hanging out with his friends on Saturday February 9th, 2013.
Sometime after 9:00 a.m. the next morning, Chester Police were called to the backyard of a home on Ivy Street.
"They came to my house like 9:30 in the morning, the detectives did, and they basically told me that they found his body," said Tania.
The 22-year-old's body was found face down, shot twice in the back.
Police say nothing was taken from him. Williams says she's at a loss as to why this happened.
"That somebody can take somebody else's life and think that it's nothing," she said.
The Citizen's Crime Commission is administering a $2,500 reward for anyone with information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible.
"I just hope that whoever has done this has a conscience or that people that know something about this has a conscious and comes forth and tells something," said Osceola Williams.
"If I knew something I would tell," said Tania.
Anyone with information is asked to make an anonymous call to 215-546-TIPS.