It was a little over a year ago when Limerick Police say Eric Adkins broke into Mary and Anthony Wiglusz's home through a back window, ransacked the master bedroom and stole over $3,300 worth of goods.
"A lot of my husband's firearms, cash, coins, jewelry," said Mary Wiglusz.
"You feel violated and you don't feel any sense of security that may have once had," said Anthony Wiglusz.
Investigators say Adkins and his accomplice Alma Colon Perez, are responsible for more than two dozen burglaries in Berks, Chester and Montgomery counties over the past year and a half.
The total haul is estimated at over $160,000.
Many of the burglaries occurred along the 422 corridor. The duo is suspected in dozens of other break-ins as well.
Beth Hanley interrupted Adkins at her Limerick home last March. He allegedly jumped out the window and fled.
"The car pulled down the driveway turned down that way and then turned again so I couldn't see the plate I assume," said Hanley.
However a month later, police say her neighbor spotted one of two vehicles used in the crimes.
He photographed the plate number and detectives had a suspect.
Investigators say the duo is responsible for a burglary on the 500 block of Keebler in Upper Merion. Among the items allegedly stolen an iPad.
Detectives say with the help of the carrier AT&T, they were able to determine the exact time of the burglary and located the iPad in New Jersey, near where the suspects lived.
After several months police were able to get detailed cell phone records that they say tie the duo to many of the cases.
The pair is now charged with over 140 felonies.