Mom video blogger parodies Taylor Swift's 'Bad Blood'

Tuesday, August 11, 2015
VIDEO: Bad Blood parody
A hilarious yet serious video blogger named Deva hopes to put an end to the mommy wars in her latest parody of Taylor Swift's "Bad Blood."

Whether you have a ringside seat or you are somehow part of the action, these days mommy wars are waging.

Working mom or stay at home? Breast or bottle?

Now, a hilarious yet serious video blogger named Deva takes a stab at all of it in her latest parody of Taylor Swift's "Bad Blood."

She calls it "Bad Mom," and says her goal is to stop the mommy wars.

Complete with an epic fight scene, like the real video, Deva and her friends go at it with vaccuums as weapons.

And while the video is meant to be funny and playful, the message is real: There's no right or wrong, no better way - just the best way that works for you and your family.

For more information on Deva's blog, visit

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