Last-minute shoppers dash to stores ahead of Christmas holiday

Trish Hartman Image
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Last-minute shoppers hit the stores ahead of Christmas
Last-minute shoppers hit the stores ahead of Christmas: Trish Hartman reports during Action News at 4pm on December 23, 2019.

GLOUCESTER TWP., New Jersey (WPVI) -- The streets of Haddonfield were decked for Christmas and shoppers were everywhere on Monday, rushing to find the perfect gift for that special someone.

"My dad. And potentially someone who's standing right next to me," laughed Nora Shaughnessy of Haddon Twp., New Jersey.

Shops were welcoming procrastinators with open arms.

At The Happy Hippo toy shop, a steady stream of customers came in, hoping to finish their lists.

Manager Maryellen DeMille says the last minute rush is partly due to online gifts that won't ship in time.

"We usually start getting phone calls five days before Christmas. People are in a panic," said DeMille.

At Gloucester Premium Outlets, parking was tough to find, and kids were blowing off steam with jackets unzipped in the mild temperatures.

"We thought it might've been a little bit colder. But it's definitely nice out here," said Jessie Simpson from Philadelphia's Olney section.

And that nice weather brought out shoppers with a mission.

Lujean Ferrell from Vineland, N.J. says she falls into a stressful pattern each December.

"Every year. I'm last minute," Ferrell said.

So from one procrastinator to another, here's a little advice:

"Take it as it goes. Walk around, don't get stressed out. It's fun," said John Frank from Haddon Heights.

Grocery stores packed with last-minute shoppers. Bob Brooks reports on Action News at 10.

Grocery stores were also packed with shoppers on Monday night.

"Oh, it's because we want to make it all fresh," said Christina Lee.

This year, Audrey Guess said she wanted to try something different. She decided on ribs.

"I had turkey for Thanksgiving and I had turkey last week. So, I didn't want turkey this week," she said.

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