Arrest made in assaults on women in Radnor, Media

Friday, May 29, 2015
paul curtis

RADNOR, Pa. -- Police in two Delaware County communities say they've caught a predator targeting women.

26-year-old Paul Curtis is accused of groping women on street corners and jogging trails.

The first known incident happened on the Radnor Trail Tuesday morning.

The suspect ran alongside a woman, asking if she wanted a jogging partner. After she turned him down, he grabbed her backside and took off.

A similar incident happened the next day in Media at Orange and Pearl Streets.

The victim reported it right away.

Police were able to track down Curtis within 15 minutes.

Police say he has a criminal history, and is being held after failing to post bond.

But they are concerned there may have been other incidents and are asking anyone who may have brushed this off as not worthy of reporting to police to call them.

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