Downingtown Police officer makes special delivery

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Monday, October 1, 2018
Downintown police officer makes special delivery
Downintown police officer makes special delivery: Trish Hartman reports on Action News at 6 p.m., October 1, 2018

DOWNINGTOWN, Pa. (WPVI) -- Little Hazel, all seven pounds of her, is sleeping peacefully in her Downingtown home. But her entrance into the world ten days ago was far from serene.

"I came downstairs, and I had three huge contractions back to back. And I was standing in the middle of the kitchen and my water broke," said Maria O'Leary.

It was 10 days before her due date, and she knew the baby was coming quickly so they called 911.

"Got the call and was coming down and told the guys I was working with: 'It sounds like this one's coming, so get your gloves ready,'" said Downingtown Police Ofc. Joel Williams.

Ofc. Williams was at the house in four minutes. The baby was partially out and stuck in the breech position - feet first

"I have never been so scared in my entire life," said Maria. "It was like it wasn't even real."

While everyone tried to wait for EMS to arrive, Hazel was born into Ofc. Williams' hands.

"Unfortunately, when the baby did come out, she didn't have a heartbeat on her. She was not breathing, was not moving," said Williams.

While Ofc. Williams has done CPR countless times, Hazel was the first time he's had to do CPR on a newborn infant.

Taking just one or two fingers and lightly pressing in the center of her chest, until her tiny heart started to beat again.

"I have to say it felt like an eternity doing CPR on her," said Williams. "It's one of those calls you hope you never have in your career."

Tim Cusick, Hazel's father, said the entire experience was very emotional.

"I was talking to Hazel, rubbing her foot, basically yelling, 'Come on, baby, take a breath. Come on, take a breath,'" he said.

Hazel spent six days in the hospital before she went home with mom, dad and big sister Violet.

The family said Ofc. Williams isn't just a hero, he's like a family member now.

"He'll be invited to birthday parties and part of her life moving forward," said Tim.

Maria said, "When she came into this world she was not with us, and he brought her back.


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