Unexpected official Scrabble words for National Scrabble Day

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Friday, April 13, 2018
Unexpected official scrabble words
Believe it or not, you can play these words in an official Scrabble game.

April 13 is National Scrabble Day, so to celebrate here is a list of unexpected official Scrabble words along with their point value (not including bonuses). All of the words are from The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary.

VLOG - 8 points

MEME - 8 Points

SELFIE - 9 Points

DUBSTEP - 12 points

HASHTAG - 14 points

BROMANCE - 14 points

FRENEMY - 15 points

SEXTING - 15 points

CAKEHOLE - 17 points

CHILLAX - 19 Points