Milwaukee bus driver gives homeless man a helping hand

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Sunday, November 25, 2018
Milwaukee bus driver gives homeless man a helping hand
Milwaukee bus driver gives homeless man a helping hand. Gray Hall reports during Action News at 7 a.m. on November 25, 2018.

A bus driver in Milwaukee is being commended for giving a homeless man a big helping hand.

Natalie Barnes struck up a conversation with a rider.

He told her his house had been condemned, and he'd been homeless for a week.

Barnes let the man stay on the bus through her shift.

She offered to buy him dinner and whatever he needed from the dollar store.

Barnes also connected him with people who could find him a place to live.

"This is my distant family I see every day and he needed help, so I felt like I had to help him. I couldn't go home to my family knowing he had nowhere to go at night, so I had a special friend who I had to call on for help, and he was able to do that for us," said Barnes.

Milwaukee County Transit System honored Barnes' acts of kindness, and as for the man, he's now in a safe place and working with an agency to get permanent housing.


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