Local teen earned $15k by cleaning out her closet

Nydia Han Image
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Local teen earned $15k by cleaning out her closet
Local teen earned $15k by cleaning out her closet - Nydia Han reports during Action News at 4:30pm on September 20, 2018.

BROOMALL, Pa. (WPVI) -- If you're looking to make some extra cash, try looking in your closet.

When I heard about this very young entrepreneur, I just had to meet her. And not only did we get a chance to talk, she showed Action News exactly how she's making so much money and how you can, too.

Two years ago - when Hannah Oh was only 16 - she decided to clean out her closet and sell her old things on Poshmark under the username @allthatglows.

"Everything here, I've already photographed and everything here is waiting to be measured, styled, photographed, and put up on Poshmark," she said.

It's a social marketplace and it's a form of social media, too - kind of like a fashion Instagram where you can build your own closet, follow people, and get to know other sellers.

More than 1,000 sales later - Hannah has made over $15,000 dollars and now she sells her own clothing and helps friends do the same.

"Then I also buy things specifically to sell, so I stock up on inventory from different places," she said.

That includes merchandise from second-hand stores as well as discount retailers like TJ Maxx, Marshall's, and Nordstrom Rack.

To create your own side hustle, Hannah says the key is interacting with buyers and building relationships..

"Following other people and really getting engaged in that awesome community," she said.

But Hannah says there are a few mistakes she sees others make.

"The picture isn't doing it justice or the description says 'cute top' instead of '100% silk, Italian made blouse'," she said.

The better the pictures, the better the items sell.

"The clearer the pictures, styling options are always great - putting a great pair of shoes or necklace with your top always helps draw buyers in," Hannah suggests.

To make big bucks, you do have to put in a lot of time. Hannah spends more than 40 hours a week during the summer and as much time as she can during the school year.




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