Saving with 6abc: Apps to compare prices on-the-go

Thursday, September 25, 2014
VIDEO: Four apps to compare prices on-the-go
How do you know if the deals you're getting are really that great? Turns out, there are apps for that.

OAKS, Pa. (WPVI) -- For years, Saving with 6abc has been reporting on the semi-annual Just Between Friends giant consignment sale in Oaks, Pa., at the Expo Center. But how do you know if the deals you're getting at sales like this are really that great? Turns out, there's app -- or four -- for that.

Sarah Honey -- the mommy blogger behind "ThankYouHoney" -- has four favorite apps she uses for on-the-go comparison shopping. And we put them to the test here at the sale.

First, we tested Red Laser on a Little Tikes t-ball set.

Honey explained how it works. "You just scan the bar code. It's super-easy and it will bring up the prices for both online and in stores. It will also tell you how far the stores are from you house and it will also let you store any loyalty cards, or any coupons or anything like that. You can download that to your iPhone, your Android phone or to a Windows phone."

Red Laser showed an online price of $14.99 and a price at nearby stores of $14.88. At the JBF Sale, the set was priced at $10.

For tech items, like a Day and Night baby video monitor, or computer games, Honey likes Buy Via. It also works by scanning bar codes to give you pricing information. It revealed the monitor retails for $$137. 80. But at the consignment sale, it was priced at just $30.

Shop Savvy -- which we checked out on a Diaper Champ -- also scans bar codes to find prices.

Honey explains, "Shop Savvy is a great app as well, because you can "like" a product, and follow it and it will alert you when the product goes on sale.

It showed the Diaper Champ retails for $$26.87, but was consignment priced at just $10.

Finally, for items without a bar code, Honey uses the Amazon Price checker.

She explains, "Amazon price check is great because if you can't get to the bar code, and you can't scan it, it it's crossed out or if there's a sticker on it, you can just hold your phone over the product. Just lay the product flat, and it will scan it, take a picture of it, and find it for you online through one of Amazon's stores."

We used it find a price for a Melissa and Doug Giant Fire Truck puzzle. It sells for $13 on, but was priced at $5 at the Just Between Friends sale.

For details on the sale, which runs through Sunday, including hours and directions, click here.

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