Gene found in women that raises heart risk

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Wednesday, October 21, 2015
VIDEO: Heart disease gene in women
British doctors have discovered another genetic mutation, linked to heart disease in women.

LONDON, U.K. (WPVI) -- Many women are familiar with the BRCA genetic mutations, which raises the risk of breast cancer.

Now British doctors have discovered another genetic mutation, linked to heart disease in women.

It's called the BCAR1 gene.

The discovery was made by researchers from University College London, and published in the journal "Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics."

Data was pooled from five European studies.

It is not completely understood how the genetic mutation works, but it appears to cause cells to migrate to blood vessel walls, making them thicker.

That increases the chance of blockages that lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Men with the same genetic mutation didn't have higher rates of heart disease.