Opioid Crisis: Finding Solutions presented by Mirmont Treatment Center

Tuesday, July 17, 2018
At Mirmont Treatment Center we've been providing alcohol and drug addiction treatment for patients throughout the Philadelphia region since 1985.

6abc Special & Live Chat

Tune into 6abc on July 19th from 7:30-8pm for a special program, Opioid Crisis: Finding Solutions presented by Mirmont Treatment Center, part of Main Line Health. During the special, join us for a Live Web Chat featuring panelists from Mirmont Treatment Center. Take this opportunity to connect with experts and learn about recovery options.

Understanding Opioid Addiction

Opioids are a type of medicine often prescribed by a doctor for chronic conditions or after surgeries and injuries to relieve pain. Opioids lower the amount of pain signals your body is able to send to your brain, as well as changing your brain's response to pain. When used correctly, opioids are a safe medication, but when opioids are misused, the patient can become addicted. The disease of addiction can have severely negative effects on one's brain and behavior. Overtime, addiction changes your brain chemistry which produces the powerful urge, or craving to use the drug.

Symptoms of Opioid Addiction

Inability to discontinue use of the substance

Inability to stop yourself from using more than the recommended amount

Poor coordination


Shallow or slow breathing



Physical agitation

Poor decision making

Slurred speech

Mood swings



Anxiety attacks

The Road to Recovery

Mirmont Treatment Center provides dual diagnosis drug and alcohol treatment on an inpatient and outpatient basis. For the past 33 years Mirmont has helped thousands of people break free from the cycle of addiction and begin their recovery from alcohol and drug dependency. Mirmont's approach is holistic and addresses the issues that affect the patient physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Some of the evidenced-based modalities of care utilized at Mirmont include: mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), DBT, CBT, Gorski Model of Relapse Prevention, acupuncture, yoga, non-medication pain management, and evening AA, NA and Refuge Recovery meetings. A key component of Mirmont's program is the treatment of unresolved trauma, neglect and loss. Research has shown a strong correlation between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) of trauma and adult alcoholism and addiction. Specialized Trauma Services include both individual and group sessions facilitated by clinicians with post-Masters degree, advanced trauma therapy training. The evidenced-based modalities of care utilized to address trauma include: Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Somatic Experiencing, yoga, Psychodrama and Experiential Therapies.