Dog rescued after falling through icy pond in Wilmington

Annie McCormick Image
Sunday, February 8, 2015
VIDEO: Dog rescued from icy pond in Wilmington
A dog had to be rescued from a retention pond after falling through ice in Wilmington, Delaware.

WILMINGTON, Del. (WPVI) -- A dog had to be rescued from a retention pond after falling through ice in Wilmington, Delaware.

The incident happened around 9:00 a.m. Saturday near 10th and Franklin Streets at the Cool Springs Reservoir.

"She was yelping, crying , frigid," said Mike Stears, Wilmington Fire Department.

"She was trying to get herself out but every time she would climb up on the ice, it would break away and she would slip back in and it was apparent she wasn't going to get out on her own," said Battalion Chief Jerry McCaffrey.

Enter Engine 5 and Squad 1's water rescue team.

"Myself and Ralph got our suits on and hopped in there as quickly as we could," said Stears.

But the rescue boat spooked the pup.

"I just jumped out of the water, ran around, jumped back in the water and scooped her up," said Stears.

He put her into the arms of several hero's from the Wilmington Fire Department after doggy paddling for almost 20 minutes and dodging hypothermia.

Crews estimate the water was around 20 degrees. They were surprised, for as cold as that little dog must've been, she was still fighting to stay afloat.

"That's what we're here for. We make rescues, save dogs, cats, pigeons - whatever it is, whatever it takes," said Stears.

The 1-year-old Goldendoodle is named Lexi.

Her owners told Action News off camera that she loves birds and that's what lured her onto the ice.

She shivered fro more than a half hour after her dramatic rescue but is now safe and warm.

Rescuers are just glad to see the pup and her family reunited.

"When he came back with his vehicle, he had some warm blankets to wrap the dog up and he had his two daughters and that's what makes us feel so happy, to see they were the dog was okay," said Chief McCaffrey.

Action News reached out to the dog's owners, but we haven't heard back. Firefighters say they'd love to be reunited and hope she's doing well and is warm.

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