Art of Aging: Home care for seniors

Thursday, January 8, 2015
VIDEO: Art of Aging - Home care for seniors
As the saying goes, there's no place like home. But for seniors who need help caring for themselves, continuing to live at home can be a challenge.

LOWER SOUTHAMPTON, Pa. (WPVI) -- As the saying goes, there's no place like home. But for seniors who need help caring for themselves, continuing to live at home can be a challenge.

In today's Art of Aging report, we look at a program designed to help.

It is the mission of Life Saint Mary in Bucks County to help residents age 55 and older by providing home-based medical care, plus a broad range of social services.

"'Life' has given me a new life," says Annie McLease of Levittown, Pa.

McLease relies on Life St. Mary for doctor's visits and to manage her medications.

As senior on a fixed income, she says the program helps her maintain her independence.

"I raised 5 children and a grandson, but they don't have to do anything for me because I'm in this 'Life' program," she said.

Life St. Mary covers everything from health care to home care to nutrition.

The program even has a farm-to-table program to ensure seniors are getting a healthy lunch. And for those who are eligible, the services are free.

"If necessary, we'll do their grocery shopping online, have it delivered to them," dietician Leslie Grant tells Action News. "We will investigate food stamps for them if they're eligible."

The goal of the program, which is run by St. Mary Medical Center, is to keep seniors out of nursing homes. And the services can literally be life-saving.

"Without my medication that I'm getting there - and I'm getting it on time, bringing it directly to my home - I don't think I would've been able to survive," says McLease. "I couldn't afford it."

"I would come here 5 days a week if they would let me," says Lucille Dyer of Bensalem, Pa. "I really like it."

We invite you to learn about more programs and benefits available to seniors by checking out our other Art of Aging reports.

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