No clowning around with pollution: Philly says 'Don't do IT'

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Thursday, September 7, 2017
Philly311 says Don't do IT
Philly311 says Don't do IT in new PSA telling citizens to not throw trash in the sewers. (Courtesy: Philly311/Facebook)

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- The Philadelphia Water Department is not clowning around in its newest PSA.

PWD and Philly311 are hoping the video will help 'scare' people away from throwing trash into the sewers.

In the PSA, a young man throws his trash into a city sewer.

That's when a clown pops up to warn him that he's polluting the Philly watershed.

"Now go home and dispose of your trash properly!" the clown says.

RELATED: City of Philadelphia: Don't put greasy pizza boxes in recycling bin

The PSA was posted to social media on Thursday, a day before Stephen King's It hits theaters.

So when it comes to throwing trash in the sewers, Philly311 and PWD says "Don't do IT."


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