Art of Aging: Affordable water repair solutions for homeowners

Thursday, October 17, 2019
PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- When retiree Lucille Jaisle found a leak in her basement, she had a protection plan, but was concerned the problem was too small to be covered.

"I called and sure enough it was covered," she said.

She says once she placed the call, American Water Resources handled the rest.

"The appointment was set up as I was on the phone with the claimer making the claim," she said.

"We are here to make sure that our customer gets the timely, and proper restoration as soon as possible. We try to be on site between four, within four hours and we try to take care of the problem within 10 days," said Tyrone Smith, Network Contract Manager for American Water Resources.

In Lucille's case, the leak was fixed the next day.

"They shut the water off at the curb stop, came in, removed the old valve..." said Smith.

"And they repaired it with a brand new handle that's easier to use," Lucille added.

American Water Resources offers low cost protection plans that cover repairs both large and small, which is particularly important for seniors on a fixed income.

'Everyone assumes that the water department covers anything outside the house, but that's not true. You own the water line from inside your house to the water main," said Smith.

The plans are available across the tri-state region.

"We offer external piping which cc covers your water main and your sewer main. We offer in-home, which covers your inside plumbing and heating," said Smith.

For Lucille, knowing she's protected brings peace of mind.

"Just that everybody should make sure they have some kind of a water protection because you never know. And I'm glad I did, it's well worth it," she said.
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