"We understand it's tempting, you're down here to enjoy vacation but we provide public safety by having those lifeguards down there," said Dan Dunn, Deputy Fire Chief for the City of Wildwood.
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Safety at the shore is a top priority, and that means encouraging swimming when lifeguards are on duty.
"It's not a law, it's not an ordinance. It's not a regulation, it's just a strong recommendation," said Steve Stock, chief of Wildwood Beach Patrol.
Summer hasn't even officially begun and first responders have already had to recover multiple victims from the water - two in Wildwood, and one in Wildwood Crest.
RELATED: Pennsylvania man drowns at Wildwood Crest days after missing swimmer recovered
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"The guards stand on the stands and they literally move thousands of people out of the water and everyone's on the beach," Stock said.
At 5:15 p.m., lifeguards start to clear the water for the day. When they aren't there, it's tough for the average person to spot a rip current.
"I don't like the idea we can give people advice on what to do if you get stuck in a rip current. My advice is to swim when the guards are on duty and they'll keep you away from them," explained Stock.
RELATED: Search suspended after swimmer goes missing in Wildwood, New Jersey
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Lifeguards in Wildwood are now on duty seven days a week for the next 90 days. However, if you see a swimmer and you're even the slightest bit questioning if they are OK, call 911 right away.
"Like any rescue incident time is of the essence in a water rescue incident. When they pull up, they are out of the vehicle and in the water," Dunn said.
Lifeguards are now on duty daily until 5:30 p.m. Wildwood has hired an additional 12 lifeguards, they'll be fully staffed by June 28.