Pa. teen opens 'Kit's Kloset' to provide clothing for less fortunate

Thursday, November 30, 2023
PHOENIXVILLE, Pennsylvania (WPVI) -- "In seventh grade, I applied for National Junior Honor Society through the middle school here," said Emerson Cairns. "We were asked to write down 10 ideas of community work that we could do with the group."

Cairns, now a 15-year-old sophomore, came up with the idea to open a 'prom closet'. It would function as a donation site for people who could otherwise not afford formal wear.

Unfortunately, Cairn's idea was not chosen. But that was just the start of the story.

"I kind of took it into my own hands," she said.

Cairns, who is affectionately called, 'Kit,' by friends and family, started the nonprofit, 'Kit's Kloset.'

"We collect clothing items and food items and we give it to places," she said. "In the future, we want to start working with more retailers and reaching out to more of the factory warehouses to get the new designs of workwear, dresses for those who can't afford it."

One of the places where Kit's Kloset donates items is The Center for Emergency Resources at Ann's Heart (CERAH).

"Ann's Heart is an extraordinary nonprofit we have right here within the borough Phoenixville," said Peter Urscheler, Development Director of Ann's Heart and the Mayor of Phoenixville. "We really have focused and dedicated ourselves to creating places of welcome right within our historic downtown."

Within CERAH is the Code Blue Overnight Emergency Warming Center, which is fit with beds for those who are experiencing homelessness or are dangerously close to it.

"We ensure that they have a place to safely be overnight," said Urscheler. "These beds will fill up probably in less than a week and that will stay for the entire season."

Urscheler says Kit's Kloset's donation of undergarments, bed sheets, shirts, and food is a big help.

"I've been fortunate to know Emerson since really she was in elementary school," he said. "She really ensured that we are fully stocked and it really helped us this year to get going for the 2023-2024 season."

To learn more about Kit's Kloset or Ann's Heart, visit their websites.

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