PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- Paid Sponsor Partnership: Philadelphia Corporation for Aging
In 2019, Carol Pfaff-Rauch became the manager of Baldwin's Book Barn in West Chester, PA.
"There's five floors and 25,000 square feet and over 300,000 books," says Pfaff-Rauch. "We're pretty big."
She took over for the late owner, Tom Baldwin, whose father, William, founded the bookstore in 1946.
She says originally it was a dairy barn before William set up shop. He filled just the first floor with books and his wife sold antiques.
Pfaff-Rauch started buying and selling books there in the '90s.
"But then in 2007, I had colon cancer, stopped working, and then came here in 2010 and asked to volunteer," she says. "Just a wonderful place to come and be."
Now, she works seven days a week organizing, repairing and pricing used books.
"Oh, it's very rewarding, because everybody that comes through the door is in love with it," she says. "It's a happy place."
The barn, built in 1822, houses a treasure trove of literature.
There are classics available, like books from author Mark Twain.
"I give people a map when they come in and the map tells what category is on each and every floor," says Pfaff-Rauch.
On the first floor of the barn visitors can find books on local history and cooking. There's also a military room, along with many leather-bound books for decorators.
The second floor begins with new arrivals. Here, you can also find American biographies and books on art and architecture.
"The third floor is mod lit," she says. "This whole wall is sports."
There's a section for mysteries and books on the wild west.
The fourth floor has two rooms. One is countries of the world and the other houses books on the sciences.
"What's nice about the barn is it brings back your senses," says Pfaff-Rauch. "Looks good, feels old and spooky."
She says you could also encounter some spirits while exploring.
"We do have three recorded ghosts documented by the paranormal society," she says.
She adds that her love of learning is what keeps her engaged at work.
"So many books come through and I say, 'Oh, I have to read that,'" she says. "A book is a friend."
Baldwin's Book Barn
865 Lenape Road
West Chester, PA 19382