Frizzy hair fixes for any budget, big or small

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Friday, July 17, 2015
Frizzy hair fixes for any budget, big or small
Kemberly Richardson reports

NEW YORK (WPVI) -- A ponytail is a necessary weapon in the fight against frizz.

Renowned hair colorist Sharon Dorram shared tips on other ways you can smooth out your mane during these tough summer months, when high humidity is no one's friend.

"It actually swells the hair so every hair becomes double the size," Dorram said.

Exhibit A: Under a microscope, each strand would look like a piece of Velcro, but no more.

At Sharon Dorram Salon, Fabien is giving this client what he considers a healing treatment.

"It's a play on words, which means inside Phenom, it's phenomenal, it's magical," said Fabien Magris, of the Sharon Dorram Salon.

Inphenom is a five-step process that costs about $90 and works best on hair that's colored or relaxed.

Fabien messages the product into small sections, carefully coating the hair. Once it's dry, so long frizz!

Another treatment Sharon highly recommends is a gloss, either clear or with a hint of color.

"The color is sealing the cuticle, smoothing the cuticle, which gives the shine and takes out the frizz," Dorram said.

These products can be used in the salon or at home.

The crme de la crme of treatments is an oil, shampoo, mask, polish and two leave in potions.

We've all had that dizzying feeling, trying to find the right product at the drug store.

"This is one of my favorites and it's under the radar, Johnson and Johnson's creamy baby oil," Dorram said.

Yes it's for your body, but Sharon promises a small amount will work wonders on your hair.

It's an inexpensive solution to add to your arsenal so you will be frizzy no more.