Scott Walker Says He's Not Seeking to Repeal 14th Amendment

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said he has no plans to alter the 14th Amendment, which grants citizenship to anyone born in the United States.

In an interview earlier this week, Walker seemed to indicate his support for getting rid of the constitutional right of birthright citizenship before stepping back from that position later in the week, leaving unclear his position on the issue. He answered "no" when asked by ABC News' George Stephanopoulos on "This Week" if he plans to try and repeal or alter the 14th Amendment

"My point is any discussion that goes beyond securing the border and enforcing the laws are things that should be a red flag to voters out there, who for years have heard lip service from politicians and are understandably angry because those politicians haven't been committed to following through on those promises," Walker said.

Donald Trump, who is currently leading the Republican race for the presidential nomination, has expressed support for doing away with birthright citizenship for illegal immigrants.

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