This video of a bored cat flicking paper has gone viral

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Thursday, November 20, 2014
(Lorie Geee/YouTube)
creativeContent-Lorie Geee/YouTube

Ever watch food spin in a microwave? Sometimes the seemingly most boring thing is just absolutely fascinating in the right moment. In just a few days, a video of a cat flicking paper has amassed more than 1.7 million views, proving this concept. Take a look.

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This cat becoming entranced by the sound of flicking paper to a monotone beat captures that exact feeling, and watching it will transport you right into all of those harrowingly dull moments of paralyzed intrigue.

Ten seconds in, the sound starts to become hypnotic. After a while, the sound is downright annoying until the owner calmly grabs the paper as if silently saying, "enough."

What other monotonous things do you find yourself doing, but just can't help? Let us know in the comments below.