BLUE BELL, Pa. (WPVI) -- As we get older, our bones and muscles age. But so does our brain and nervous system.
That opens the door for neurodegenerative diseases. However, there are ways to lower your risk and to spot the signs early, for the best chance at slowing them down.
At first, Patrick Kenney of Blue Bell, Pa., didn't think much about tingling in his feet.
But as time passed, he says, "My left foot was developing foot drop, and then my left leg was getting a little weak."
For more than a year, Patrick saw various specialists, and even had surgery for a narrowed spinal canal.
When the foot didn't improve, he was referred to Dr. Terry Heiman-Patterson and Temple Health's Center of Hope.
"My wife and I met with the team March 12th and did the full battery of tests. And she said, I'm leaning toward ALS."
Dr. Heiman-Patterson says diseases like ALS are becoming more common as America ages..
"It's the sum of genetic changes in our DNA and susceptibilities combined with what we go through in life," she explains.
But spotting the first symptoms isn't always easy.
"Because you need to differentiate what's normal with aging and what's a red flag," the doctor says.
For example, forgetting names is fairly normal.
But trouble handling personal matters, like a checkbook - not remembering recent events, or repeating questions or stories are cause for concern.
She says neurologists are trained to spot those early signs.
But we can lower our risk with healthy living.
Staying active both physically and mentally," Dr. Heiman-Patterson says.
Such as regular - and varied - exercise, reading, games and puzzles, and interacting with others.
She says another important element is dealing with stress and getting good sleep.
"During sleep, there's a process that actually helps the brain clear some of the proteins that clump and aggregate," the doctor says.
Patrick and the Temple team are working hard to slow his ALS.
"There's not a rock that they don't turn over," he says with a smile.
He says regular physical and massage therapy also help keep him moving, and hopeful