Snoozing: It's Good for Your Health

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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

For many people, getting a good night's sleep is an elusive dream, and starting their day feeling groggy is just "the norm."

What they may not realize, however, is that lack of sleep isn't just a lifestyle annoyance: Not enough shut-eye can also affect your health.

"Obviously, when you're tired it can affect your emotional state and mental abilities," notes Deborah's Marcella M. Frank, DO, Attending, Sleep Medicine Specialist, "but more importantly, lack of sleep can cause serious health problems including high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes, just to name a few."

How a sleep study may benefit you

Deborah's Institute for Sleep Medicine can help you get on the road to a good night's sleep. It's four private bedrooms, in an outpatient setting, offer welcoming and comfortable accommodations for an overnight sleep study.

"During a sleep study we are able to monitor sleep quality, heart rhythm, breathing disturbances, and leg movements using small, comfortable monitors," Dr. Frank explains. "Technologists monitor you while you sleep from a workstation outside your room and are available throughout the night. The test recordings are interpreted by a Board Certified Sleep Physician and sent to your referring health provider."

Various Disorders Could Be the Culprit

Dr. Frank states that there are nearly 90 sleep disorders, including sleep apnea, which occurs when your breathing stops repeatedly while you're sleeping. Other sleep disorders that are evaluated and treated by Deborah's Board Certified Sleep Physicians include limb movement disorder, narcolepsy, REM sleep behavior disorder, and chronic insomnia.

"Insufficient sleep causes fatigue and excessive tiredness, and can take a toll on your health," says Dr. Frank. "Sleep apnea and associated poor sleep quality can contribute to mood swings, decreased concentration, headaches, high blood pressure, heart disease, and weight gain."

Dr. Frank notes that if sleep apnea is the problem, there are a variety of treatment options available. "CPAP is a device which is extremely effective; however, other options include oral appliances, surgery on the tonsils and soft palate, weight loss, and the Inspire neurostimulator.

She adds: "A good night's sleep can be the bridge from despair to hope, and a healthier life."

Dreaming of a Good Night's Sleep?

Take the sleep quiz and request an appointment at the Institute for Sleep Medicine.

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