Former president of Temple Univ. fraternity posts bail after being charged with attempted rape

Friday, May 18, 2018
Ex-Temple frat president posts bail after attempted rape arrest
Ex-Temple frat president posts bail after attempted rape arrest. Maggie Kent reports during Action News at 5pm on May 17, 2018.

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- A Temple University student who is a former president of one of the school's fraternities has posted bail after being charged with attempted rape.

Ari Goldstein, 21, of Wrightstown, Bucks County, was released from jail after posting 10-percent of $2 million bail.

Goldstein, former president of Temple's now-suspended Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity, was arrested Wednesday at Boston's airport in connection with an investigation of the fraternity that began several weeks ago.

Police haven't said why he was at the airport or if he was heading somewhere.

The charges against him include Attempted Rape, Indecent Assault, Simple Assault, Unlawful Restraint, and False Imprisonment. They stem from an incident in February.

The frat was suspended as that investigation got underway, and Goldstein was removed as president.

Police have been investigating the fraternity and what goes on during those parties for more than a month, indicating they've received at least three reports from women who say they were victimized.

Investigators say at least one woman reported waking up next to a fraternity brother without any recollection of the night before.

Students on campus say the frat house at Broad and Norris is known for its parties.

"Now we know what's really going on at these parties, it's not cool," said junior Micah Henry.

All Alpha Epsilon Pi activity on campus has been suspended. Even before official charges were filed, the national fraternity stripped Goldstein of his title of president. Some students wonder if the issue involved more fraternity brothers.

"If the president of the fraternity is doing it, then I think there is a culture there that's brewing," said senior Tom Leonard.

Here on campus there is a "Women Organized Against Rape" office and a 24-hour hotline. Police are asking anyone else who believes they may have been a victim to report it.

Jonathan Pierce, a past international president of Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity and the fraternity's media spokesman, issued the following statement to Action News:

"Alpha Epsilon Pi International has no additional information about the charges being brought. We have not been informed - nor would we expect to be - of any of the allegations made or the evidence found. We will continue, though, to cooperate with Temple University and all local authorities.

The young man charged was not the chapter president at the time of his arrest. He had been removed as president several weeks ago and the chapter has been suspended by the International Fraternity for nearly a month.

We are, obviously, deeply troubled by the charges leveled at this young man. We believe in due process but there is clearly no place for this behavior in our organization and, if proven true, I would expect the individual to be permanently expelled from our fraternity."

A preliminary hearing for Goldstein been set for May 31st.


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