Meet Valentyne, the pet skunk that is helping fight stigma

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Friday, August 30, 2024
Meet Valentyne, the pet skunk that is helping fight stigma
Derryk Parramore brings his pet skunk Valentyne --wherever he goes.

An Ohio man is trying to end the stigma around skunks by touching hearts and changing minds.

Derryk Parramore brings his pet skunk "Valentyne" wherever he goes.

He lets people hold and pet the skunk, and often times people fall in love with the little guy.

Parramore also teaches people not to call an exterminator if they see a skunk in their yard.

He says they are just after bugs in your grass or trash, and mean you no harm.

Parramore also runs a sanctuary for skunks.

However, he does say that anybody interested in a pet skunk should know that they are not easy to train and will have to be descented first.

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