Washington Township community joins hands to honor the legacy of tragically lost friend

Nick Iadonisi  Image
Thursday, May 23, 2024
South Jersey community honors the legacy of Sophia Bennett
The strength of this South Jersey community was on full display as they joined hands to honor the legacy of Sophia Bennett.

WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP, New Jersey (WPVI) -- At Washington Township High School, the softball team gathered community members to honor the legacy of their tragically lost friend.

Sophia Bennett was a student who lost her life in a car accident this past March.

Her softball team held a memorial service game in her honor with representation from multiple sports teams and students.

"It's not just friends at this point. It's a family. And it takes a family to get through this. They're going to look back on this day and just know everything they did was for Sophie and her family," said Head Coach of the Washington Township High School Softball Team, Stephanie Knorr.

Before the Softball game, community members took to the field and recounted their memories together with the Bennett family.

"Everyone came together for me. All the sports teams, all the teachers, all the different schools, all the different people, they all came out for my Sophie because she made that impact on a lot of people," said Sophia's mother, Mary Kelly Bennett.

"She had a beautiful heart. You could see the ripples she made throughout this whole community. I'm just so proud to be from Township and see all the support. Because Sophia, she loved everyone," said Sophia's Aunt, Liz McLaughlin.

With the support of friends and family, Sophia Bennett's memory has stayed strong in those she impacted.

For more information, check out the video above.

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