LONDON - September 18, 2011
Facing the World, a charity which helps disfigured children,
said it had helped fund the four-stage operation on 11-month-olds
Rital and Ritag Gaboura.
Twins born joined at the head are known as craniopagus twins and
they occur in about one in 2.5 million births. Separating them can
be dangerous, especially if - as in this case - there's significant
blood flow between their brains.
"It's extremely high-risk," said Dr. James Goodrich, who
coordinated a similar separation of conjoined twins at New York's
Montefiore Children's Hospital in 2004.
But the alternative can be just as bad. Because conjoined twins
almost never pump the blood across their bodies evenly, the
strongest sibling strains his or her heart trying to pick up the
slack. Facing the World said that Ritag's overworked heart was
already failing by the time her family arrived in Britain.
The charity said that the separation took place in stages at
London's Great Ormond Street Hospital. Two operations took place in
May. Tissue expanders - essentially balloons intended to help
stretch the babies' skin over their newly exposed heads - were
inserted in July. The final separation took place on Aug. 15.
"Incidences of surviving twins with this condition is extremely
rare," lead surgeon David Dunaway said in a statement released by
the charity. "The task presented innumerable challenges and we
were all very aware of our responsibilities to the family and these
two little girls."
The charity released before and after photographs of the twins.
The before photo showed the two sprawled out on a bed, with their
heads joined just above the hairline to form what appeared to be a
single, solid unit. The after photograph showed both side-by-side
looking alert and healthy, clutching white stuffed animals.
Although rare, operations to separate twins linked by their
heads aren't unheard of. The U.S. National Library of Medicine
records that one of the first successful operations to separate
craniopagus twins took place in 1956.
In 2003, surgeons in Dallas separated 2-year-old Egyptian twins
joined at the head, and a year later Goodrich was one of a team of
doctors which separated Filipino twins in four major surgeries that
took place over 10 months.
Even successful operations can leave neurological damage,
although that didn't immediately appear to be the case with Rital
and Ritag.
"Within days the twins were back on the general ward
interacting and playing as before," the charity said. Its
executive coordinator, Sarah Driver-Jowitt, predicted that the
girls' parents - who haven't been named - may soon return home
"with two healthy, separate girls."
Goodrich agreed.
"So far the results have been exceptional," he said. "I think
both kids will do quite well."
Facing the World:
Great Ormond Street Hospital:
Raphael G. Satter can be reached at:
Surgeons separate twin girls joined at head
By 6abc
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