A timeline of Ed Rendell's political career

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Monday, June 18, 2018
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A timeline of Ed Rendell's political careerRendell and Philadelphia Mayor W. Wilson Goode share smiles at a press conference in 1987.

1944 - Born in New York

1965 - Graduates from University of Pennsylvania

1968 - Receives law degree from Villanova University

1977 - Elected District Attorney of Philadelphia

1981 - Re-elected as District Attorney of Philadelphia

1987 - Runs for Mayor of Philadelphia - loses to W. Wilson Goode

1991 - Runs again and is elected Mayor of Philadelphia. His opponent, Frank Rizzo, died before election day. Rendell defeated replacement Joseph Egan.

1994 - Appears in national political spotlight with New York Times profile entitled: "Mayor on a Roll; Ed Rendell"

1995 - Re-elected as Mayor of Philadelphia, defeating Republican Joe Rocks

2000 - Serves as Chairman of the Democratic National Committee

2002 - Elected Governor of Pennsylvania, defeating Mike Fisher

2006 - Re-elected as Governor of Pennsylvania, defeating Republican, and former football star, Lynn Swann

2011 - Leaves Harrisburg after the maximum two terms. Appears as a political and sports commentator on cable and radio.

2012 - Writes book: A Nation of Wusses

2016 - Serves as Chairman of 2016 Democratic National Convention Host Committee

2018 - Announces 3-year fight with Parkinson's Disease

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