Breastfeeding fail: Mom accidently gets spray tan on baby

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Thursday, August 6, 2015
Gemma Colley shared these photos of her 7-month-old son.
Gemma Colley shared these photos of her 7-month-old son.
Gemma Colley

It's National Breastfeeding Month, and one mom is taking the opportunity to share her breastfeeding fail with the world.

Gemma Colley got a spray tan before an upcoming wedding and headed home in time to nurse her 7-month-old Cooper.

She thought nothing of it until she put the baby down and saw that Cooper had what looked like a five o'clock shadow.

Luckily, it wasn't anything a few baby wipes couldn't handle.

Colley says she did get some negative feedback from people who said she was selfish for getting a tan and that she knew what she was doing. But she says that couldn't be further from the truth.

She just wanted other moms to see the funny side of parenthood and to know they weren't the only ones making mistakes.

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