Caitlyn Jenner speaks at UPenn to share story, spread transgender awareness

Thursday, February 18, 2016
VIDEO: Caitlyn Jenner visits UPenn
Caitlyn Jenner spoke with students at the University of Pennsylvania Wednesday night.

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- Caitlyn Jenner spoke with students at the University of Pennsylvania Wednesday night, many of them captivated by curiosity and how she's using her high-profile life to help other transgenders.

Jenner has her fans at UPenn, some 1,300 of them, mostly students who packed into Irvine Auditorium. They waited in line on a cold, brisk night that snaked around the building.

"I think it is the curiosity factor, I've watched her show, "I am Caitlyn," like I've really seen her speak out and be really courageous with her story," said Nicole Snyder, senior.

"I think that transgender issues are definitely very much not in the spotlight in general and so I think that someone with that much fame coming out and being transgender is like a very big thing," said Maurin Mwombela, junior.

The event, which was closed to news cameras, was being moderated by Buzz Bizzinger who penned the Vanity Fair cover story, "Call Me Caitlyn."

Wednesday night's event included a Q&A segment with questions that were pre-screened.

"She mentioned a lot that she's kind of a spokesperson for her own story rather than the whole trans community, which I guess she's still kinda figuring it out," said Alec Josiah, junior.

"I definitely learned a lot more in detail about all of her transition period. I thought it was really fascinating," said Kaylee Slusses, freshman.

"I think it's really powerful whenever you hear somebody who's gone through so much in their lives and who decided at such a late age to make such a drastic change, it's really quite inspiring," said Pratyusha Gupta, senior.

By bringing Jenner to UPenn, organizers are hoping it will support an ongoing dialogue on issues in the transgender and LGBTQ communities.

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