Temple University unveils 3-part COVID-19 testing plan for students

The test is free of charge for students in Temple housing.

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Saturday, August 15, 2020
Temple unveils 3-part COVID-19 testing plan for students
Temple University has unveiled a three-part testing plan for its students ahead of the fall semester.

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- Temple University has unveiled a three-part testing plan for all students moving into on-campus housing for the fall 2020 semester

Part one says once on campus, students will undergo mandatory testing. The test is free of charge for students in Temple housing.

Results will be available within 72 hours.

"If you are moving into Temple housing, you will be tested for COVID-19 on your move-in day. However, if you moved in prior to Aug. 17, you will be tested on Aug. 17, when testing begins. If your move-in time is after 4 p.m., you'll be tested the next day," the university's Senior Director of Student and Employee Health Services Mark Denys said in an announcement.

Any student who tests positive for COVID-19 will be asked to return home or directed to designated on-campus housing to isolate for a minimum 10 days.

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Part two says as the semester gets underway, students, faculty and staff who experience COVID-19 symptoms should contact Student or Employee Health Services to discuss healthcare options.

If they've come into close contact with someone who has tested positive, they will be notified by the university's contact tracing team and will be provided with instructions on quarantining and testing. Tests will be administered through the university's newly established testing center and offered by appointment only.

Part three says throughout September, the university will continue testing both symptomatic and asymptomatic students, faculty and staff each week as a safety precaution and to help identify any potential clusters of positive cases on campus..

"It is important to note that being tested is not a disciplinary action and there is no penalty if you test positive for COVID-19. Our primary goal is to protect the health and safety of the Temple community, and routine testing is one of the ways to do that," Denys said.

Temple officials said access to university buildings, including residence halls, will be revoked for any student who refuses to be tested.

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Testing is one of the methods the university is using to mitigate the spread of the virus on campus.

"To ensure that we are able to move forward with successfully opening the university, all students who are coming to Temple for the fall semester were asked in an email sent on July 30 to self-quarantine for 14 days prior to arriving on campus," Denys said.

Testing begins Monday at the Aramark STAR Complex on Main Campus.

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