A story of prostate cancer survival

Friday, June 13, 2014
VIDEO: A story of prostate cancer survival
His story helps educate others about prostate cancer.

WARRINGTON, Pa. (WPVI) -- This is the 12th year for the Gary Papa Run to Fight Prostate Cancer. But sadly, it also marks five years since we lost Gary.

One of his missions was to educate everyone about prostate cancer. And that mission is being carried on by other men affected by the cancer.

For John Buehler, the days often start early and end late.

He's the fourth generation of a family well-drilling business, going all over eastern Pennsylvania.

Six years ago, at the age of 49, he never realized prostate cancer would have such a big role in his life, too. Not until rising PSA levels in his blood, and some follow up tests brought bad news - stage 3 cancer.

Buehler explains, "My cancer had spread outside my prostate."

To cheer him up from the long surgery to remove all the cancer, Buehler's sister gave him a canvas bag filled with gifts, and covered with buttons of encouragement.

"You wouldn't believe how that helped me get through," he said.

During his recovery, Buehler decided he could help fight prostate cancer by getting more men to talk about it.

He's been in a Jefferson University Hospital campaign, and spreads the word every chance he gets.

For his efforts, he and his surgeon Dr. Leonard Gomella were honored by the Philadelphia Eagles.

Buehler's also not shy about the value of the PSA blood test. While experts debate its worth, he says it was the red flag that saved his life.

Buehler says, "That was the only warning sign I had."

He also hope's Gary's legacy will help save other men.

"We watched him all the time - loved the guy."

We loved him here, too, and we miss him.

John Buehler and his family will be walking Sunday morning. So will many from the Action News team.

The opening ceremonies are at Eakins Oval at 8:00, the 5K run starts at 8:30, and the walk starts at 9:00.

Come out and join us and support the cause!