This kindergarten classroom greeting routine will warm your heart

Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Kindergartners' greeting routine will warm your heart
Kindergartners' greeting routine will warm your heartA video of a kindergarten classroom's greeting routine has received more than 1 million views on the school district's Facebook page.

BIRCHWOOD, Wisconsin -- A daily exercise in kindness by a kindergarten class has touched the hearts of thousands of people online, ABC News reports.

At a small school in Birchwood, Wisconsin, students choose how they want to be welcomed by the "classroom greeter" - a hug, a fist bump, or a simple handshake.

Kindergarten teacher Nicole Schlapper tells "Good Morning America" that she hopes the daily "small, simple gesture of friendship and kindness" her students show one another each morning "will stay with them as they grow up together throughout their years, in school and into adulthood."

"The children absolutely love this job and show great excitement when their turn comes up," Schlapper said.

The day 5-year-old Colin Baker was assigned the "classroom greeter" job, the majority of the 15 kindergartners in his class chose to give him a hug. Video from that day has received more than 1 million views on the school district's Facebook page.

"I think most the kids choose hug just because Colin is such a good hugger," his mom Chrisstie Baker said. "He puts his heart into every one. I'm very proud of him."

Sara Waldron, the school's business and information technology teacher, told "GMA" that Birchwood has a high number of students living in poverty.

"As a school, we worry about funding, but what we lack in resources, we make up in love and compassion. With so many tragedies in our neighboring communities in the last month, it is so amazing to receive such positive feedback from so many people all over the world," said Waldon.

As for the video, Colin's mom says she hopes adults can take away something positive from the now-viral video.

"I hope that adults can learn from him and his friends that it's OK to get out of their comfort zone and make someone else's day. And to put our all into even the smallest things, like a hug," Baker said.