CAMDEN, N.J. (WPVI) -- Camden County unveiled is upgraded 911 system on Wednesday.
Called 'Smart 911,' it is designed to save time during emergencies, when every second counts.
But you have to register ahead of time.
You start by going to the Smart 911 section of the Camden County website and setting up a profile.
The profile can contain critical data, from how many people live in your house, the cars you drive, number of pets, to existing medical conditions. That way, emergency responders will have information that could speed their work
"So you can let them know 'my top drawer I have my medicine,' so we can actually look and see the meds you are on," said Camden County Freeholder Jonathan Young.
The data follows the phone, so if you were to travel to a location where the system is also used - Nashville, for example - a 911 call there would give the operator your profile.
"If they get a phone call coming, but you're in non-responsive, sometimes the call taker might take it as a hang up, but if your profile is up and they know that you have a heart condition, then they may say 'wait a minute, maybe it's not a hang up, maybe he had heart attack, can't speak anymore, lets dispatch emergency on it," Young said.
As for security: Officials say the system is password protected, the information is encrypted, and it would only appear in the 911 center if the call came from a registered phone.
LINK: Camden County Smart 911 2ystem