Shelter Me: Delaware Valley Siberian Husky Rescue

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Saturday, February 14, 2015
VIDEO: Shelter Me: Del. Valley Siberian Husky Rescue
David Murphy has more on a breed specific crew that's been in the rescue business for 2 decades.

David Murphy has more on a breed specific crew that's been in the rescue business for 2 decades.

It has been twenty years of joyful unions because that's how long the Delaware Valley Siberian Husky Rescue has been saving the lives of this special breed.

The Board of Directors of DVSHR Judy Flaks says, "The right home is out there for almost every dog. They deserve a chance."

With thousands of adoptions already in the books, this breed's specific rescue is made up of experts on what it takes to own a Siberian Husky.

"Huskies are very independent. Breeds like Golden Retrievers want to please you and Huskies do it because they want to, not because you want them to," said Flaks.

This foster based rescue makes its presence felt in four states: Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland. They save Huskies from a variety of situations.

Flaks added, "We take in owner surrenders. We take from shelters. We would be able to save more dogs if we had more foster homes."

If you're interested any of the huskies you've seen in the video, you can go to the Delaware Valley Siberian Husky Rescue website.

You can also vote for your favorite shelter-or add a rescue group to our list, by going to the Shelter Me section of the Action News' Facebook page.

We'll feature the top vote getter next Saturday morning on Action News.

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