Local Russian immigrants react to summit between Presidents Trump and Putin

Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Trump questions US intel, not Putin, on Russia 2016 meddling
President Donald Trump said he addressed Russia's interference in the U.S. 2016 election and that President Vladmir Putin was "extremely strong" in his denials.

NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- At Bell's Market, a Russian grocery store in the Far Northeast, the summit between Presidents Trump and Putin left most Russian immigrants we spoke with hopeful for better relations.

"We have to give them a chance," said Lora Kushnir. "We have to give our president a chance to fix things up."

However, there were a few exceptions. Those we spoke to from Ukraine were particularly incensed.

"I know trump didn't say no word about Ukraine, this is terrible," said Leonard Shposki. "I don't understand why and I don't understand what they're doing there."

Relations between Ukrainians and Russians have been rocky at best over the issue of Crimea and remain so to this day.

But among Russians, the summit left them hopeful for the future.

"It's their first meeting, and I hope it will not be the last one, I hope it will be a good result," said Faina Remishevsky.


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