PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- Call it a Philly tradition. A jacket was lost, found and left to fly again!
A vintage Philadelphia Eagles jacket from the 2018 Super Bowl parade made its return in 2025 to the Eagles fanbase at Friday's Super Bowl parade.
The jacket's latest owner, Amy Rannabargar, said she found the jacket with a note that read: "If found, do not return. This jacket belongs to you!"
The previous owner also provided the backstory about the found they jacket, which they said was found the night of the Super Bowl in 2018.
"It only felt right to release back into the city when the Eagles won again," the note said. "I hope you get the opportunity to release it back into the world w/ another SB win soon!"
Rannabargar says she never expected her fashion-find to go viral after posting about it on social media.
She says her friends have been telling her to keep the jacket, but she knows better and is going to follow the note's instructions and release it back into the Eagles fan-sphere at the next Super Bowl.
ALSO SEE: Relive best moments from the Eagles' Super Bowl Championship Parade