Residents and businesses in Chinatown react to 76ers new arena location

Briana Smith Image
Monday, January 13, 2025
Residents and businesses in Chinatown react to 76ers new arena

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- Many who fought to save Chinatown are feeling victorious after the Sixers dropped their plans to build 76 Place in Center City.

"We're pretty happy about it because nothing is going to happen, and we're going to just keep doing whatever we're doing," said Rui Yulin who is the manager of Frozen Rolled Ice-cream in Chinatown.

Business owners and residents in Chinatown were concerned about losing customers, increased rent and traffic due to the arena.

"China's culture in here would be destroyed, and people would not be coming here for culture sharings and communications," said Feng Jin Lin who is the owner of Shaxian Delicacies.

They said this change will protect Chinatown from redevelopment and commuters from travel chaos.

"When I proselytize to people how great Philly is to live I say the fact that all the stadiums are quarantined down south is a benefit because even though there is all the sports culture, it doesn't congest the actual center of the city," said Amy Carson.

Employees in the Fashion District said now they won't have to relocate or lose their job.

"I'm really happy," said Brandon Brown. "Knowing we'll have our store back in the mall - staying in there safe for a couple more years. It's a good thing for all throughout Chinatown, too."

However, some argue the arena would have brought a much-needed economic boost to Market East.

"I'm a little disappointed," said Lauren Cozzi. "I was excited for the stadium to move here in the city especially because I could just walk to it easily...I think it would also create a lot of attraction."

"The money situation - them bringing money is a good positive, but at the same time you have to think we already have tons of traffic coming down Center City," said Samiha Ortiz-Rivera.

With the 6ers pulling out and Macy's closing in Center City, residents hope local leaders have a plan.

"I think they should definitely start to put more stores in, put more attractions in," said Ortiz-Rivera.

"I hope there can be some rejuvenation on Market East, but I feel like the move to build even larger thing we have seen just doesn't do the trick," said Carson.

Sources say the Sixers and Comcast will still make real estate developments and investments in Market East.

Residents really hope to see those investments and improvements in the area.

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