'We have 2 judicial systems': Philadelphia leaders address double standard after Capitol attack

ByAshley Johnson WPVI logo
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Philly leaders address double standard after Capitol attack
"We have two judicial systems. We have two systems for policing. You have a system for Black folk and a system for whites," Custis said.

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- A day after the attack on the U.S. Capitol, which cost one Trump supporter her life, prominent Black leaders in Philadelphia are ringing the alarm on white supremacy and the country's double standard.

"We all know had that been Black protestors and people even handling their business, we would be sitting here with so many deaths today, so many injuries," President of Urban League of Philadelphia Andrea Custis said.

There's a big difference from the look of Washington, D.C. before a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest this summer.

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Even those on the opposite side of the political spectrum, like Republican Congressman Conor Lamb, called out the stark contrast to yesterday's riots.

"For the most part, they walked in free, a lot of them walked out free. There wasn't a person at home who didn't know why that was because of the way that they look," Lamb said.

"We have two judicial systems. We have two systems for policing. You have a system for Black folk and a system for whites," Custis said.

The head of the Capitol police defended his department's response, stating his officers "acted valiantly when faced with thousands of individuals involved in violent riotous actions."

The Urban League of Philadelphia stands with the national organization and Al Sharpton in demanding Vice President Mike Pence invoke the 25th Amendment and remove President Donald Trump from office.

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The movement is growing with Democratic Senate Leader Chuck Schumer.

"What's worse is the sitting president organized and orchestrated, said he would be a speaker," Pennsylvania Democratic House leader Joanna McClinton said.

McClinton said the rioters must be prosecuted and racism denounced.

"Some said with the election of President Barack Obama that things in America were equal because we had a black president but what we know is what we saw yesterday," McClinton added.