Healthy alternatives to favorite Super Bowl snacks

Friday, February 5, 2016
VIDEO: Healthy Super Bowl alternatives
Courtney Rozsas, owner of Farmer's Road Drive Thru in Chadds Ford, shares with us some healthier options for Super Bowl 50 snacks.

Pizza, chicken wings, chips, soda, beer and cookies - these are just some Super Bowl snacks that can derail your diet.

Courtney Rozsas, owner of Farmer's Road Drive Thru in Chadds Ford, shares with us some healthier options.

"Our alternatives are just baked or dehydrated so it's still the foods that you love, just prepared differently," said Rozsas.

Starting with crunch, instead of chomping on chips, go for dried or dehydrated veggies.

"This is a rutabaga, this is turnip and peanut butter popcorn," said Rozsas.

That's popcorn topped with peanut butter powder.

You can also have kale chips with ranch seasoning or brush on malt vinegar.

Traditional veggies with hummus or a healthy black bean dip with high fiber and protein will also fill you up, so you'll eat less later.

Instead of the ever-popular chicken wings, Rozsas has her own creation.

"We call it, when we describe it, a healthy chicken wing on a wrap," said Rozsas. "So we have our free-range grilled chicken, a little bit of hot sauce, blue cheese, lettuce, onion and we topped it with a house-made, barbecue chip."

And it's less than 300 calories.

For dessert, skip the iced brownies and chocolate chip cookies. A healthier, homemade cookie bite will save you some sugar.

"Oats, peanut butter, honey," said Rozsas.

Then mix in Reese's, chocolate chips or raisins.

When it comes to drinks, soda can really add up when it comes to calories and sugar.

Rozsas says if you want something sweet, make your own soda with sparkling water and homemade syrup - such as ginger or honey peach.

Or go for straight seltzer with lemon or lime.

For this year's big event, try your hand at some of these recipes:


Ingredients: all-natural chicken breasts, whole wheat wraps, hot sauce, blue cheese, red onion, romaine, barbecue chips (optional).

1. Clean chicken breast, then salt.

2. Grill until internal temperature is 165 degrees.

3. Grill or bake a whole wheat wrap until it is slightly golden and crispy.

4. In a bowl, toss slices of chicken with your favorite hot sauce.

5. On the wrap, scatter blue cheese, red onion, romaine, chicken coated with hot sauce.

6. Sprinkle kettle cooked barbecue chips to the top.

7. Roll up and enjoy!


Combine the following in a large bowl for 2 dozen bites:

1 cup all-natural peanut butter

1/2 cup honey

1/2 cup raisins

1/2 cup coconut

1 & 1/2 cups quick oats

1/4 cup bran (unprocessed)

1/8 tsp. salt

1/2 cup mini chocolate chips

1/2 cup raisin

You can add 1/4 - 1/2 cup of your favorite sweets (we used Reese's pieces!) to customize.

Scoop and roll into 2-3 bite-size balls. Refrigerate or freeze and enjoy for weeks to come!


Preheat over to 350 degrees

Ingredients: sweet potatoes, olive oil, optional garnishes: chili, Feta cheese, Greek yogurt, chives

1. Clean sweet potatoes with warm water and rough brush

2. Puncture potato skins with a fork

3. Bake at 350 degrees for about 30-45 minutes, until soft to touch

4. Let cool slightly, then cut in half lengthwise and scoop out filling, leaving a thin layer on inside of skin

5. Drizzle skins with olive oil + season with salt and pepper

6. Bake until skin is dry, about 15 minutes

7. Mash the "insides" (sweet potato pulp) and season with salt and pepper

8. Refill sweet potato with pulp

9. Top with desired garnishes: chili, Feta Cheese, yogurt, chives

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