Candidate profile: Tom Wolf

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Monday, May 19, 2014
VIDEO: Candidate profile: Tom Wolf
Action News is profiling all four Democratic candidates for governor.

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- When people see Tom Wolf they like to talk about Jeeps, a key element of the ads that made a splash and helped him sprint to a 20 point lead.

In those ads and on the trail, the York County millionaire highlights his varied past: Peace Corp volunteer, academic, Pennsylvania Secretary of Revenue, and a businessman who built and then rebuilt his struggling family cabinet company.

"All of these things have given me a range of skills, experiences insights that I think a governor who wants to do something; if you want to do something, is going to need these skills and I uniquely bring them to the task," Wolf said.

Wolf says as governor he'd focus on investments in education and infrastructure, raising revenue with a 5% tax on the Marcellus Shale.

He also says he'd focus on fairness.

Making his first acts as governor two executive orders, a gift ban for his appointees and a mandate on more transparency in how government contracts are granted.

"Those would be my first priorities to start restoring trust in our government," Wolf said.

Wolf has never won elected office. But he says he has experience working with Republicans from his appointment as Secretary of Revenue.

And that the trick to breaking resistance in politics is the same as it is in business.

"All the things I've done in my life have been about getting people to embrace the idea of change, of doing something different, of moving in a direction," Wolf said.

We'll continue our profiles of the candidates all week. Primary Day is Tuesday, May 20th.

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