Colorado man aims to ban cell phones for children under 13

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Monday, June 19, 2017
Colorado man aims to ban cell phone sales to children under 13
Colorado man aims to ban cell phone sales to children under 13. Alicia Vitarelli reports during Action News at 4 p.m. on June 19, 2017.

DENVER, Colorado (WPVI) -- Like driving, drinking, or voting - should there be an age restriction on having a smartphone?

A proposed ballot measure in Colorado would ban the sale of phones to and for anyone under the age of 13.

Dr. Timothy Farnum and two other doctors started a group called PAUS - or Parents Against Underage Smartphones.

The father of 5 sees the constant use as an addiction.

"We see this in the same light as maybe alcohol or cigarettes," he said. "The kids aren't playing out there anymore. There are certain critical stages of development that are not happening."

Dr. Farnum needs 300,000 signatures to get the initiative on the ballot.

The idea is causing a rift among parents - and tweens.

If approved, retailers who don't abide could face fines up to $20,000 dollars.


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